The Creighton Value
Creighton's value can be measured in many ways. But we believe the excellence of this education is best expressed in who our students become.
Our graduates have a 99% success rate, meaning they're either employed or enrolled in a graduate or professional school within six months of graduation.
Bluejays hold on to the spirit of service well after graduation.
Committed to promoting social justice and caring for the whole person, our alumni's good work extends far beyond their four or more years at Creighton.
That's just one of the many outcomes of a top-tier Jesuit education.
Interested in volunteering? Learn more.
Success and service
Success means more than a good career and financial stability. Our alumni seek and find meaning in the service of others.
success rate
99% of our alumni are employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation.
More than 4 in 5 of our alumni are involved in at least one volunteer organization.
volunteer priority
Three in 5 of our alumni describe volunteer work as a priority.
Graduation rates
4 year
National Private: 54%
National Public: 35%
Creighton: 74.9%
6 year
National Private: 67%
National Public: 61%
Creighton: 81.5%
The value of a Jesuit education
At Creighton, you see tangible reminders of our traditions wherever you look. You see it in our tens of thousands of alumni living lives of service and justice in their own communities.
Read the storyAlumni News
Alumnus makes largest gift in the School of Law's history
The estate of James Menehan, JD'63, has given Creighton $9.7 million to support the law school’s students, faculty and programs.
Alumni serve up their Beal’s memories
As we'd hoped, our big Beal’s Grill story stirred up and brought forth plenty of alumni memories of the old greasy-spoon diner. Here are a dozen of them.
Video: Patrick Zenner receives Creighton's highest all-University alumni award
This video tribute highlights the contributions and legacy of Patrick Zenner, BSBA'69, retired president and CEO of Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. and Creighton University trustee emeritus, who recently received the 2024 Creighton University Alumni Achievement Citation.