At Creighton, you (or perhaps a loved one) experienced a transformative education unlike any other. Now you can keep this tradition going for thousands of students and generations to come.
There are many ways you can give to Creighton and support our students. But first, we want to make sure we’ve answered all your questions. If you want to learn more, please contact 402.280.2740 or
To make a gift via mail, please send a check, made payable to Creighton University, to:
Creighton University
PO Box 30282
Omaha, NE 68103
Creighton's tax ID is 47-0376583.
You can make a gift today. We thank you for your support!
Why give to Creighton?
It’s this simple: Creighton exists because of the generosity of donors like you.
Our story began with a visionary act of philanthropy — when the extraordinary Creighton family made a gift of $200,000 to start a Jesuit, Catholic university in Omaha. More than 140 years later, our story continues, donor by donor, gift by gift.
You can keep Creighton thriving. You can support our students through gifts to scholarships, academics, programs, mission and improvements to our campuses in Omaha and Phoenix.
Why are gifts to Creighton necessary if students are paying tuition?
Tuition alone doesn’t fully cover what it costs to educate our students. In fact, it only covers about two-thirds of it. The rest is provided by scholarships and other aid, with more than 98% of our students receiving some form of financial support. Our donors who support scholarships help keep Creighton accessible to deserving students from all walks of life.
Gifts also provide our students, faculty and staff with the resources they need to pursue research, academic excellence and innovation.

What is Creighton’s most pressing area of need?
Without question, scholarships. Last year alone, Creighton awarded nearly 1,900 scholarships to students across all schools and colleges.
Scholarship support weighs significantly in students' decision to come to Creighton. For the University to continue to attract excellent students, we must invest in a robust scholarship program.
Scholarships are now more vital than ever, with many of our students and their families facing financial hardships in the wake of COVID-19. Creighton has a long legacy of making this transformative education accessible to everyone. We mean to continue that tradition, even now — especially now.
What’s an endowment?
Endowments are ongoing (often permanent) funds created when donors make a gift or bequest to provide the University with a stable, principal-based source of income for scholarships, programs, faculty chairs, deanships, endowed coaching positions and more.
Through endowed funds, Creighton can advance the quality of programs and service beyond what tuition and fees support.
Our donors’ generosity will directly benefit students seeking a Jesuit, Catholic education for years to come. Interested in creating an endowment? Contact
How can I be sure my gift made an impact?
When you give to Creighton, we make sure you know the impact of your generosity. When you support scholarships, you’ll receive a message from a grateful student whose life you’ve changed. When you create an endowment, you’ll get a regular report on how the principal of your gift is going the distance.
We strive for transparency. Your gift to Creighton matters, and we will show you exactly how it’s making a difference.
We also make a point to recognize the generosity and accomplishments of our many outstanding alumni and donors.
What ways can I give?
There are many types of gifts and ways to give. You can make cash gifts, pledges, appreciated securities, planned gifts, matching gifts, memorial gifts, honorary gifts and gifts of real estate or life insurance. Find more ways to give.
What’s a planned gift?
It’s when you commit to give later by including Creighton in your estate plan, making such commitments as a bequest provision in your will, a gift of qualified retirement plan assets or a life-income gift naming the University as a remainder beneficiary. Learn more about planned gifts.
Can I make my gift anonymously?
Of course. You can make your gifts anonymously, in your own name or in honor of another.
What naming opportunities do I have?
Creighton offers naming opportunities to programs or physical spaces on campus, ranging from mall benches to classrooms to bridges, buildings and even entire schools or colleges.
With Heider College of Business renovations in the Harper Center and the construction of a health sciences Phoenix campus, we’re offering many new naming opportunities for classrooms, offices, suites, labs, lounges and more.
Learn more about naming opportunities.
How much should I give?
There’s no set amount. Our donors make gifts ranging from $10 to $10 million. Gifts of all sizes make a difference every day, and our students benefit from every act of generosity. Most gifts to the Creighton Fund, for example, are less than $250. But together they add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for the University.
What’s the Creighton Fund?

The Creighton Fund is our general University fund. Supporting the Creighton Fund is one of the easiest and most effective ways to contribute to scholarships and enhance student life. Learn more about the Creighton Fund.
What's the Creighton Society?
The Edward and Mary Lucretia Creighton Society honors donors who support the most essential needs of the University and its nine schools and colleges — including annual scholarships. Creighton Society members are the alumni and friends who, gift by gift, are transforming the University and making an immediate impact. Learn more
How do I know if my employer will match my gift?
Matching gifts are a way for you to double and even triple your impact to Creighton through your employer’s matching gift program. Many employers will match charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. Find out if your company has a matching gift policy.
You may also request a matching gift form from your employer and submit the completed form with your gift to Creighton. We’ll take it from there! Learn more about matching gifts.
Are you an employer interested in establishing a matching gift program with Creighton? Contact Andy Kammerer at 402.280.4273 or
What other ways can I maximize my gift’s impact?
One great example is the Ignatian Merit Scholars program, in which the University will match your investment.
Each year, Creighton awards approximately 200 merit scholarships to our best and brightest students. The Ignatian Merit Scholars program is one way we open the door to these tremendous undergraduate students in the Heider College of Business, College of Nursing and College of Arts and Sciences. The program especially benefits students from diverse backgrounds and low- and middle-income families. Our goal is to create a more inclusive environment in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition, and scholarships are one of the best ways we can do this.
You can become a partner by sponsoring an Ignatian Merit Scholar — investing $50,000 (or $12,500 a year for four years) in a student's future. The University will match the $12,500 contribution the donor makes each year, meaning that our most gifted students will receive a $25,000 scholarship annually through the length of their program.
You can also fund a named endowed Ignatian Merit Scholarship by investing $300,000.
Learn more about this program.
What’s the difference between a restricted gift and an unrestricted gift?
With a restricted gift, you designate your gift to a specific program or area of the University. This is a great way to support a cause close to your heart — perhaps a scholarship for students from an underrepresented group, or maybe a gift to a specific program, like Creighton’s new health sciences campus in Phoenix.
An unrestricted gift is one you make to the Creighton Fund, the University general fund, which allows us to use your gift to meet our greatest and most immediate areas of need.
Learn more about making either type of gift by contacting
Is my gift tax-deductible?
Yes. Contributions to the University are eligible for income tax deductions as allowed by law. We will send you a gift receipt for tax purposes.
What are the state laws regulating charitable solicitations?
Giving USA’s Annual Survey on State Laws Regulating Charitable Solicitations provides the most up-to-date information on state laws regarding the registration regulations of charitable solicitations state by state. The survey covers state agency addresses, licensing requirements, reporting dates, and disclosure obligations. Access the full document here.
Have more questions about giving? Contact