Time in prayer
God is everywhere, at all times. St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, wrote a prayer called the “Examen,” which invites us to look back over our day and notice God’s presence in it, maybe even the times when God felt distant or absent.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, healthcare workers have been on the front lines of caring for our most vulnerable neighbors. Creighton University is proud to educate compassionate, dedicated and outstanding medical professionals who live our Catholic, Jesuit mission.
Our world is a better place because of the Creighton nurses, nurse practitioners, doctors, pharmacists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, physician assistants, and dentists who have answered the call to serve. We also recognize that after more than 18 months of this global pandemic, these health care professionals are exhausted, worn out and fatigued.
As one small way of offering gratitude for all you have given your communities and support to the countless medical professionals in our Creighton community, we share an Examen written by Beth Samson, BA’13, MA’16, a staff member in Campus Ministry, and read by Nicole Piemonte, the Peekie Nash Carpenter Endowed Chair in Medicine, assistant dean for student affairs and a faculty member for the medical school in Phoenix.
You are invited to close your eyes or soften your gaze and allow Nicole’s voice to guide you in the prayer and reflection.
Read the full text of the health care Examen
As you settle into your posture for prayer, notice how you arrive to this brief time of quietness.
Take a deep breath in, and out. Allow your breath to tie you to this present moment, to this time in prayer with God. Take a deep breath in, and out. Let us spend a moment now focusing on our breath.
Whatever your body is feeling in this moment – tired or agitated, calm or relieved to be in a moment of peace – offer this to God. God sees you, in all that you are carrying right now.
Take another deep breath in, and out.
While God is always with us, I attune my senses to God’s presence here with me now as I take on the lens of gratitude with which to view my day. I remember that this gratitude is connected to the deep gratitude my community, especially the Creighton community, has for me.
I begin by thanking God for a blessing or two, big or small, that I’ve received today.
As I look back over the day, I look to a moment that drained me, a moment I felt distraught or exhausted. I honor this feeling and consider what it is rooted in.
I now turn to God and share this moment, speaking to the movements of my heart and soul. Then, I listen for God's response with openness.
I look back over the day a second time, choosing a moment that was life-giving, a moment that held light and love. I honor this feeling and consider what it is rooted in.
I again turn to God and share this moment, speaking to the movements of my heart and soul. And I listen for God’s response with openness. I thank God for this life-giving moment.
I now look to tomorrow and consider what the day will hold. I ask God for the grace I will need as I show up to tomorrow.
I return to my breath. Breathing in God’s love for me, breathing out what I need to release. As I come back to the presence of my day, I reverence the time in prayer with God.
Stories of health care leaders

Creighton nurse meeting a need in Phoenix
Even if Abdul Tholley is in the thick of the 12-month Accelerated Nursing Program at Creighton’s Phoenix campus, he still finds the time to volunteer where he can. Even if it means leaving the country.
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More Than Molecules
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Simone Biles' physical therapist is a Creighton alumna
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Creighton nurse turns near-tragedy into a good cause
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Dr. Robinson credits his Creighton mentors for helping him navigate the initial hurdles of dental school and pushing him to succeed. He is grateful for the multiple scholarships that allowed him to follow his dream of becoming a dentist.
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Caring for the goats and chickens over a Zoom meeting
Creighton alumna Amy Rogge’s Denver-area practice, Amy Rogge & Associates, provides occupational therapy services for children with developmental and physical challenges. The practice resides on an acre of land, where the children can help care for Amy’s goats and chickens.
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Why the Creighton experience is so much more
Diana Ndunda came to the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions with a vision in mind and a mission at heart. “I moved to the United States to go to pharmacy school,” says the Kenyan-born student. “I knew I wanted to serve others, and that this career path would give me purpose.”
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Called to a career in Emergency Medical Care
Assistant Professor, Mike Miller, BSEMS’07, MS’10, EDD’14, makes a difference through both teaching and scholarship. The Frank and Margaret Coussens and Doris Miller Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports the interests and ambitions of aspiring students.
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Creighton dental grad gets at the root of things
"There’s something that shakes you to your core about the Jesuit tradition. The giving and acceptance and service, it changed my life." — Sue Bon Tiede, DDS’91
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Medical student finds his beat giving back
His gratitude for his own scholarships and opportunities motivated him to support his peers through the Creighton Fund.
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'Healing is much more than the science of medicine'
We spoke to Richard Deming, MD'80, about the importance of the medical humanities and how he connects with his patients.
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An alumnus with a passion for palliative care
Dr. Cudahy’s passion for learning and his shared mission with his alma mater to serve others have culminated in the creation of the Cudahy Palliative Care Scholarship at Creighton University.
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Creighton doctor embraces the humanism at the heart of good medicine
James Laumond, MD'64, is helping to ensure that Creighton University can continue educating more doctors like him, physicians caring not just for their patients’ bodies but their souls. The whole person.
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