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Newly married couple funnels their wedding gifts to Creighton scholarship
For their wedding, the couple said, 'no gifts,' instead asking that guests donate to the Creighton scholarship honoring the groom's late mother.
School of Law gift will strengthen Creighton’s ties to Jewish community
The gift will support a School of Law program that keeps history alive by creating more witnesses to the Holocaust.
Fr. Hendrickson reflects on his first five years
Over his first five years, Creighton has seen continual record enrollment growth, achieved greater national recognition and embarked on one of the boldest endeavors in its 142-year history — the construction of a $100 million health sciences campus in Phoenix.
Creighton raises more than $444,000 on A Day for Jays
Hundreds of alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students made a gift to scholarships and emergency assistance for students facing financial hardships amidst COVID-19.
A Creighton lawyer
Thanks to the help of scholarships, Lexi is making the most of her time as a Creighton law student, day by day becoming the lawyer she wants to be.
Innovating Health Care
For Creighton, collaborative care operates on a few core principles: Health care is a team effort; and clinicians working together (closely, honestly, efficiently) leads to better patient care — lowering costs, improving outcomes, saving lives.
Dental alumni surprise classmate at 50th reunion
The School of Dentistry Class of ’69 floored Frank Dowd, DDS’69, when they revealed they’d raised $34,000 to name an exam room in the dental building’s Collaborative Care Suite after him.