Featured Testimonial About Creighton University

A foundation in liberal arts has never been more relevant to preparing students for all that is to come. Our students learn how to approach the world around us from many angles.

Science and art complement each other. Both are born of creativity and imagination. But when the time comes to choose a major, students might feel like they have to choose between them. Scholarships enabled Maggie Brueck to make the most of both of these passions equally.
Maggie’s Creighton journey started with a visit to campus with her mom—whom Maggie insists dragged her “just to check it out.” She fell in love with campus almost immediately, but deciding on a career path didn’t happen quite so instantaneously. After a semester as a pre-med biology major, Maggie found that psychology was a better fit. Through a few major changes, a love for music was the one constant.
Receiving support from the Grace Keenan Endowment to the Department of Fine and Performing Arts became an ever-present reminder to Maggie that her voice is a special gift, to the point where she decided to pursue a minor in music to complement a major in psychological science. The scholarship gave Maggie the support to prioritize this talent, and she continued singing as an active member of the Chamber Choir and the performing arts family at Creighton. “I realized that no matter my path, I can apply my passion for music to whatever I do.”
Beyond the music scholarship, Maggie was also honored as a Dean’s Fellow, which provided even more opportunity to grow as a musician, a scientist, and a leader.
The opportunities available within the College of Arts and Sciences are the secret to training “robot-proof” graduates—whose expertise and adaptability make their work irreplaceable by new technologies—in the Jesuit tradition of liberal arts. Access to excellence comes at a cost, however, whether for supplies for undergraduate research projects or new technologies to teach design across disciplines.
Scholarships connect bright students with the programs and learning opportunities that make Creighton one of the best places to become a scientist, an artist, or a leader. The funds that go toward these experiences are repaid several times over in expert thinking that will lead us into the next generation.