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That time Adam West came to Creighton dressed as Batman
In 1989, the TV star came to Creighton to teach a class on “Batman 101.”
More than 30 Creighton anniversaries in 2022
Read on to learn a whole lot of Creighton history — from the birth of the Creightonian to the first Homecoming to the glorious day 30 years ago when the Internet came to campus.
More than 30 Creighton anniversaries in 2022 — Part Two
Creighton's been credited with a lot of firsts.
More than 30 Creighton anniversaries in 2022 — Part Three
Celebrating the anniversaries of a new library, a new Student Center and the arrival of the World Wide Web at Creighton!
15 great things that happened at Creighton this year
Someday, people will look back on 2021 as a truly transformative time for Creighton.
The rise and fall and 'rise' of Creighton football
On a dreary day in December 1891, a hastily assembled team of Creighton students played the first organized game of football in Omaha’s history.
The fall of Creighton football
Creighton football's program came to its end abruptly, then very gradually.
World record easier bread than done
That time high winds foiled Creighton’s attempt to make the world’s longest sandwich.
Community of prayer, community of hope
We spoke with alumni and staff who were at Creighton on Sept. 11, 2001. They recalled a campus coming together in the face of crisis — with faith, hope and prayer.
The smells of Creighton
Father Larry Gillick, SJ, is blind. But every day, he says, he "sees" Creighton. To show us what Creighton looks like to him, he gave us a campus tour like no other — a tour of touch and sound but mostly of smell.