Featured Testimonial About Creighton University

Hey, if Spotify can do it, so can we!
Plus, we wrapped up 2023 this way and it was really great.
This year, there were stories from the archives about iconic hangout spots on campus, updates on alumni making history and reshaping industries and, of course, our favorite tales about Bluejays who met in college and fell in love.
Finish 2024 with the 10 most popular stories on our alumni site over the past year (plus a few extra links):

1. Goodbye Kiewit Hall
Kiewit Hall is no more. The residence hall that housed students for nearly 60 years has been demolished. We chronicled its history in a story back in April. And we also collected a few interesting memories from alumni and charted the building’s demolition.
There were watch parties ... and holiday parties ... and dance parties ... and way-too-many-people-in-my-room parties. There was neutral zone chaos, always. Some of you accidentally smashed a water fountain. Played soccer or had nerf wars in the halls. Made a mess with water squirters and super soakers. “Survived” a fire. Read more about Kiewit Hall.
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2. How 14 Creighton couples fell in love
Roses are red. Violets are blue. These Jays met on campus. And they shared their stories with you. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we reminisced with 14 couples about the ways that Creighton brought them together. Love Stories.
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3. The history of Creighton’s swimming pool
Like most things at Creighton, the KFC pool — as well as the Old Gym’s pool and the University’s swimming team — is full of interesting historical tidbits if you look close enough. We dove right in and explored the depths of the pool’s past. Read the story.
And there’s more…
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4. Beal’s – the men, the grill, the legend
The story about how a two-story stucco home at 24th and California Streets transformed into a beloved dive that served Creighton students, faculty and staff for nearly 50 years. Read the history of Beal’s Grill.
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5. Taryn Kloth: Creighton’s first female Olympian
Taryn Kloth, BSBA’18 finished an All-American career as an indoor volleyball standout at Creighton. Then she decided to give beach volleyball a try. It did not go well, at first. But once she found her footing in the sand, her career took off. And then she made history. Learn more about her remarkable story.
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6. Creighton lawyer was the Red Power Ranger
Dan Slavin, JD’05, has had an unlikely career trajectory — from model to actor to Power Ranger to Creighton law student to commercial litigation attorney in Phoenix. In a way, he owes it all to the kid who beat him up in grade school. Read this Mighty Morphin story.
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7. How I met my Bluejay: Summer edition
It was wedding season, and we were feeling all the feels, so we brought back our wildly popular feature series over the summer. We shared six stories about Bluejays meeting in classrooms, outside of St. John’s, on the Mall and much. More love stories.
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8. Mitch Ballock: ‘I love doing this every day’
Mitch Ballock, BSBA’21, is the legendary Bluejay sharpshooter who ended his professional basketball career after just a couple years so he could mentor the next generation of basketball stars. Why? Ballock shared the reasons for returning to coach at Creighton.
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9. Creighton Jesuit in Apple ad with Hall of Fame rock star
About 30 years ago, the Rev. Don Doll, SJ, and Todd Rundgren met in California for an Apple PowerBook advertisement that ran in Rolling Stone and Spin magazines. Here’s how it happened.
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10. Creighton’s only Oscar nominee
A piece of Creighton trivia that will surely stump all your Bluejay friends (assuming they’re not also reading this very same sentence): Nancy Nye, BFA’74, is the only Creighton graduate to get nominated for an Oscar. That happened in 1998. Read more about her nomination and her long Hollywood career.
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We’ll conclude our list with a few more must-reads from 2024:
The 25 biggest Creighton concerts ever
How a Creighton alum's $875 million idea helped change an industry
Greg McDermott's 25 most memorable wins at Creighton
80,000+ miles at sea: Alumna is one of the world's leading adventure photographers
Creighton helped Kyle Korver discover purpose beyond basketball