Throughout their time at Creighton, many of our students make gifts through the Creighton Fund, our annual Giving Day or their senior class gift.
However you give, you’re leaving a lasting impact on the next generation of Bluejays.
Want to be a student caller?

Running August through June, the Phonathon raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for the University each year!
We’re always seeking talented and passionate Creighton students to join Phonathon. As a student caller, you’ll get the chance to build your communication skills as you speak with hundreds of alumni across the country about their experiences and the exciting things happening at Creighton. Learn more about becoming a Phonathon caller.
You can apply to join our team today! For more info, contact or check out our Facebook page.
Now that I’m part of Phonathon, I’m starting to understand how it all works, how things are paid for. It makes me not only want to tell more people about the importance of giving but also to give what I can to these programs and parts of campus. And it’s made me more into giving in general, giving back to the community, too.
— Kiara Mills, Phonathon caller, Class of 2022

Senior Class Gift
Each year, Creighton seniors come together to make a class gift.
Together, they’re making a huge difference for the next class, supporting scholarships, campus life and the overall student experience.
Seniors who make a gift of $10 or more to any area of campus will receive a legacy cord to wear to graduation.

Medical student finds his beat giving back
His gratitude for his own scholarships and opportunities motivated him to support his peers through the Creighton Fund.
Read the story