The Creighton connection
The student callers of Phonathon connect with the Creighton community and build relationships with alumni, parents and friends. Running August through June, the Phonathon raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for the University each year.
What's our number?
Why do we call?
We call to keep in touch, to share the latest Creighton news and to offer opportunities for you to stay connected to the University.
While many student caller programs are struggling, Creighton Phonathon is one of the most successful in the nation. The funds we raise through Phonathon directly benefit our students, making a difference in their lives, education and Creighton experience today, tomorrow and beyond.
When you see Creighton calling, please take a few minutes to connect with a fellow Bluejay.
In the meantime, you can make a gift today!

Want to become a student caller?
We’re always seeking talented and passionate Creighton students to join Phonathon. As a student caller, you’ll get the chance to build your communication skills as you speak with hundreds of alumni across the country about their experiences and the exciting things happening at Creighton.
For more information about Phonathon, contact or check out our Facebook page.
Update your info
Help us connect with you. If you’re an alumnus or alumna who recently moved, changed phone numbers or started a new job, let us know. Fill out this form to update your info.

Dialing up Support
“Now that I’m part of Phonathon, I’m starting to understand how it all works, how things are paid for. It makes me not only want to tell more people about the importance of giving but also to give what I can to these programs and parts of campus. And it’s made me more into giving in general, giving back to the community, too.”
— Kiara Mills, Phonathon caller, Class of 2022

The student callers of Creighton Phonathon are on the line
Five nights a week in a windowless room in the Old Gym, a few dozen students make phone calls to Creighton alumni across the country.
Read the story