A leader in research
Our reputation for top-tier undergraduate research is recognized across all schools and colleges.
In fact, it’s one of the most distinctive and defining features of a Creighton education. More than 1 in 3 undergrads participate in research.
To ensure this transformative culture of research and mentorship continues to thrive at Creighton, the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) gets our students involved in research across a variety of disciplines.
Empowering our students
When you make a gift to CURAS, you help cover the cost of scholarships, travel funds, development programming and more. You empower our students to achieve a level of hands-on understanding unknown to most undergrads throughout the nation.
Thank you for helping us maintain our status as a leader in undergraduate research!
Student Research
Maintaining a reputation for excellence in undergraduate research.
in Goldwater Scholarships
Creighton is the No. 1 producer of Goldwater Scholars among Catholic universities.
research scholarships
More than 40 CURAS-funded summer research scholarships are awarded annually.
conference presentations
More than 200 students present their findings at national and regional scholarly conferences each year.

Better-prepared than most
“Since my freshman year, I’ve been able to work in a research lab, conducting studies on animal behavior. For three years, I’ve enjoyed the type of hands-on learning opportunities typically reserved for graduate students. That’s one of the many things that’s so unique about Creighton. I will go on to get my master’s degree and PhD better-prepared than most.”
— Emily Harders, College of Arts and Sciences

A leader in research
Our undergraduate students have been involved with ...
- Exploring pediatric asthma in the Omaha community
- Examining how carbon tax affects trade
- Discovering supporting factors for wind power development in potential rural Nebraska host communities