There for our community
At Creighton, we’re committed to fully supporting our students, faculty and staff through their darkest and most difficult moments. We strive to be there for every member of our community. Always.
Creighton's Violence Intervention and Prevention Center plays a crucial role in this effort. The campus organization serves the community, providing confidential advocacy to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking and other related issues.
The VIP Center offers support and resources through medical, legal and Title IX processes, and provides prevention education to the campus community, training students, faculty and staff in Green Dot Bystander Intervention. Green Dot educates Creighton’s community about intervention, consent, sexual violence, dating violence and stalking.
The VIP Center believes this generation can eradicate violence on our college campuses. Thank you for empowering our community to enact transformative change — at Creighton and beyond.
Green Dot Bystanders
Our students, faculty and staff are learning how to intervene when they see the potential for violence.
trainings held in the 2018-19 academic year
students certified
faculty and staff certified

Something greater
“(Donors like you) are evidence that this culture shift that we're all aiming for both on the University level but also the larger societal level is happening and is working. You are evidence that we are making something greater on this campus and in our community. Thank you.”
— Chloe Cassens, College of Arts and Sciences

The VIP Center
Learn more about this vital campus program and the good it does for our community.