Featured Testimonial About Creighton University

After having been away for a three-month period, it is not easy to get back in the swing.
See more PHOTO galleries
- Creighton move-in 2023!
- Graves Hall and the Simpson Family Courtyard
- Creighton Pathway and Convocation
- Back to school! First day of classes.
- Picnics, BBQs and an ice cream social
Graves Hall Block/Glow Party and the Skutt/Morrison Shutdown
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Note: This is an updated version of a previously published article.
By Micah Mertes
With another summer nearly gone, thousands of students are coming to Creighton for that most formative of college experiences — move-in.
We wanted to celebrate this special time with a visual history of Welcome Weeks past — dozens of photos of students moving in to the residence halls (or helping other students move in).
Please enjoy. And remember ... lift with your legs!
Note: The images come from The Blue Jay yearbooks, Creightonian issues and courtesy of the Creighton University Archives.
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Before we get to the photos, here's a bit of history about Welcome Week itself ...
Welcome Week wasn't Welcome Week until 1955, when Creighton changed the name from "Freshman Week" to be more, well ... welcoming. Here's the Creightonian article announcing the change.
Now ... on to the photos!
Here are a few from the 1950s, when campus was rich with the smell of pomade ...
The '60s.
The '70s. Longer hair. Wider pantleg.
(Many alumni will spot Beal's in the background of the image below.)
The '80s.
The '00s.
The 2010s.
Creighton President the Rev. Daniel S. Hendrickson, SJ, PhD, helps move a Microwave.
And, finally, a few photos from 2020 move-in. With face coverings and safety protocols, things looked quite a bit different on campus. But in the end, Creighton stayed Creighton.