Spring Break Kids Activities

Creighton's education department pulled together a great list of online educational resources and activities for families with children of all ages. 
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It's spring break!

However ... you're probably mostly stuck at home. And if you live anywhere with seasons, you know the weather is a bit spotty this time of year. 

This is, of course, a bona fide recipe for restless children and cooped-up families looking for something to do. 

We'd like to help. 

Creighton's education department pulled together a great list of online educational resources and activities for families with children of all ages. 

We hope this keeps your kids engaged and that your family has a wonderful spring break! 

Jesuit themes and videos that are good for the soul

The Olive

An animation based on the life of the founder of the Jesuit order, St. Ignatius of Loyola. Creighton alumni might remember this story! Suggested for grades 4th-8th.

Remembering John Lewis

In this episode of Oprah’s Master Class, the late American hero John Lewis reflects on his life of activism and his friendship with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., while offering wisdom for the ongoing fight for justice and equality. Suggested for grades 7th-12th.

Resources to learn about Anti-racism from Creighton's Kingfisher Institute

A collection of resources developed by Dr. Erika Dakin Kirby (professor, Communication Studies) and Dr. Guy McHendry (associate professor, Communication Studies) and supported by Creighton University's Kingfisher Institute for the Liberal Arts and Professions. Suggested for grades 7th-12th, and parents.

Projects and DIY

Make your Own FLUFFY Slime! 

What’s spring break without DIY Slime!?! Suggested ages: Everyone!

Make a Popsicle Stick Bridge! 

Just what it says! You could turn this into a family competition and give everyone 100 popsicle sticks and one hour to see who can make the strongest, the longest and/or the most interesting bridge! Prizes for each? Suggested ages: Everyone!

How to make a kite

Suggested ages: Everyone!

How to make an origami Ninja star

Suggested ages: Everyone!

How to make paper airplanes

Suggested ages: Everyone!

If I Built a House Read-Aloud

Using materials around your house like Legos, popsicle sticks, Playdough, etc., build your own dream house. Suggested grades: K-4th.

Build a bridge

Build a bridge that can hold weight without collapsing, using only toothpicks, dry spaghetti, mini marshmallows and fruit snacks. Could be a competition between family members to see whose bridge can hold the most weight. You can use books and other items to put on top. Note: This can get a little messy with the dry spaghetti, but middle schoolers love it! Suggested grades: 4th and above.

Build a catapult 

Build a catapult and see how far it launches. Create your catapult using popsicle sticks, rubber bands, hot glue and any other materials you might have. Launch mini marshmallows to see how far they go. You can create more than one catapult with different designs to see if one works more than another. Suggested grades: 4th and above.

Walking Water Experiment 

Watch the video to see how to do the experiment, but don’t show your kids the video. You’ll need five clear cups, food coloring, paper towels and something to mix with. Suggested grades: K and above.

Skittles Experiment 

Watch the video to see how to do the experiment, but don’t show your kids the video. You’ll need skittles, a white plate (not paper) and some warm water. Suggested grades: K and above.

Art/Music/Physical Education

Art Hub for Kids - How to Draw videos

Draw a funny polar bear skiing! This is one of many videos. If your child enjoys it, you have many more to have fun with!  Suggested grades: K-8th.

Go Noodle 

Get the wiggles out with these fun videos to move and dance along to! Suggested grades: K-3rd.

Art for Kids Hub

Fun brain break with art how-to step-by-step videos. Suggested grades: K-8th.


Epic Books 

This is a free resource that allows students to choose from thousands of books across levels and genres. Young readers or students developing reading skills will like the audio read-aloud option on many choices. FREE TRIAL for 30 days! Suggested ages: Everyone!

Kwame Alexander reads his book The Undefeated

Kwame Alexander is a Newberry Award-winning author and poet. Here he reads aloud from his amazing book The Undefeated, a tribute to famous but often unknown figures in Black history. Suggested grades: K-5th.

Story Line Online

Collection of famous people reading their favorite stories. Suggested ages: Everyone!

Brought-to-life story books!

Suggested ages: 2-8.

Watch Amanda Gorman at the Inauguration

Listen and read along as Amanda Gorman reads her poem. She is the first Youth Poet Laureate of the U.S. Then use these lesson tips and so much more. Suggested grades: 4th-8th.

First Chapter Read-Alouds from bestselling YA authors! 

When your middle-schooler listens to famous authors read the first chapter of their bestselling books aloud, they are bound to be motivated to read the rest on their own! GREAT hook for reluctant readers or students who want to know more about a book before they buy it. Suggested ages: Middle school.


This is the perfect site for kids learning the basics or in the early stages of independent reading. Most of the good stuff is free online, although there is a paid section that gets you access to even more goodies. Suggested grades: preK-3rd.


This site was created by teachers, and is aligned to standards. It never collects personal data, and is FREE on PCs. Suggested grades: preK-5th.


Writing With Ralph! 

This is the first in a series of 10 Writing Workshops with children’s author Ralph Fletcher. He inspires creativity and helps students start their own Writer’s Notebook to keep stories and poems. Parents will want to join in, too! Suggested grades: 2nd-8th.


This online comic maker has lots of different packets that can be used for different themes. Suggested ages: Everyone!


Great website where kids can read stories written by other kids, as well as create and publish their own books. Suggested ages: Everyone!


There's lots of stunning artwork from adult illustrators available, and members can use these works to illustrate their own stories. Suggested ages: Everyone!


Math Riddles for kids and adults

Get ready to be stumped! Parents will have fun with these, too! Suggested grades: 5th-8th.

Learn to Play Cribbage here or here

This video is for parents and students who don't know how to play cribbage. It’s a great card game that uses math skills and strategy! If you don't have a cribbage board, you can keep track of points on graph paper. Suggested grades: 5th-8th.


Quest-like game with math problems. Suggested ages: Everyone!

Math Drills

Math worksheets with multiple versions for every topic.Suggested ages: Everyone!

Color scavenger hunt

This color scavenger hunt is great for outdoor walk (or indoor for when it's cold) to help kids find things that are certain colors. Suggested ages: Everyone!

Fun Brain

Math games and fun.  This site also has reading and spelling. Suggested grades: preK-5th.