Featured Testimonial About Creighton University

Embrace patience as a form of strength.
A group of Creighton students involved with Campus Ministry are providing daily Advent reflection videos throughout December. They read daily readings, spend time in prayer and record a reflection. The full series, with new videos each day, is available on the Campus Ministry Facebook page.
Today, on Friday, Dec. 6, we hear from Rachel Herr, a sophomore in the College of Nursing. She offers her interpretation of what it means to be stouthearted and the importance of embracing patience during a sometimes hectic time of the year.
Merry Christmas!
> Check out the full Creighton Advent Calendar
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Rachel Herr, sophomore, College of Nursing
Wait for the Lord with courage, be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord. Hi, happy Feast Day of St. Nicholas. My name is Rachel Herr and I'm a sophomore in the College of Nursing, and today I invite you to reflect with me as we continue our journey through Advent.
So, as college students, this time of year is absolutely crazy for us. We have exams around the corner, last minute assignments to turn in, and winter break is so close. I find that during this time my energy is running low and I even feel a little isolated with everything that is happening around me.
When we enter the Advent season, we are told to wait and prepare. But it can be difficult when we are rushing to meet the deadlines of all of our schoolwork. So, when I was reflecting on today's readings, a very specific word stuck out to me: stouthearted.
To be stouthearted means to be courageous, bold and determined. To not be afraid or shy away from challenges. Being stouthearted in the Advent season means cultivating inner strength, resilience, and courage as you prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth. It requires a balance of external and internal commitments, focusing on spiritual growth, love and peace.
Today, as we continue preparing for the last week of the semester, I invite you to think about what it means to have a stout heart and set a goal of cultivating patience. Instead of rushing through the season or becoming frustrated by setbacks, embrace patience as a form of strength. Even when things feel uncertain or out of your control. Trust that God's timing is right and allow Christ's light to brighten up your darkest places. I hope you'll have a great rest of your Advent season. Thank you.