Featured Testimonial About Creighton University

In our Fast Forward series, we profile alumni doing unique, interesting and meaningful work in their fields, inviting each to connect the support they received at Creighton, however long past, to the person they are today. See more Fast Forward features here.
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By Jon Nyatawa
He called it a listening tour. Ron K. Patterson, EDD’22, wanted to learn about the campus by talking to the people he’d soon serve as president of Chadron State College in northwest Nebraska.
Students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, community educators, business leaders ... the Creighton graduate met with dozens in four states across the region. Through the whirlwind of conversations, Patterson gained a clearer picture of Chadron State’s campus culture, its strengths and its potential for growth. But just as importantly, he was also reminded of an undeniable principle for effective leadership. Something that was engrained in him while he completed his Interdisciplinary Leadership doctoral program (EdD) at Creighton a few years ago.
It’s about the people.
“At Creighton, I studied leadership theory and application, and explored how it relates to the academic enterprise — it was an incredible educational experience and journey,” Patterson said.
“But what I most appreciated about Creighton’s EdD program was it demonstrated how to be a leader for all. The graduate studies faculty emphasized the humanistic side of it. How can you effectively work alongside individuals, no matter what role you're in, to achieve success?”
Patterson has carried that perspective into his new job, and it’s only reinforced his decision to pursue this career path.
About 16 months ago, the Nebraska State College System Board appointed Patterson the 12th president of Chadron State College, a public institution with about 2,200 students located in Chadron, Neb.

That listening tour? In addition to the new and valuable relationships formed, Patterson came away with key qualitative data to help him form the long-term strategies and priorities for the institution.
“This last year has been a whirlwind, but I was fortunate to use the time to thoroughly examine our entire enterprise, both academic and non-academic, to really chart the vision and planning process for the institution,” Patterson said.
Plus, he said he’s met so many incredible people.

Patterson wore a tie to Chadron State’s commencement in May and referenced it in his speech to the crowd. It was a gift from a student. Their connection formed after Patterson accepted the student’s impromptu invite to tea.
There have been trips to Walmart, the grocery store and restaurants when he’s found himself talking about Chadron State with folks he’d never met before.
“Chadron State’s mission and its vision, the values of the institution, it aligns with my purpose in life,” Patterson said. “We’re giving it back and paying it forward. And Chadron afforded me that opportunity to serve the great students and individuals and citizens of this community and the state.”
It’s something he’s been dreaming about for a long time.
Originally from Corinth, Miss., Patterson started out as a small-school basketball coach. But he wanted to expand his reach beyond a 15-person hoops squad — to impact a large number of young adults. So, he moved to Christian Brothers University in Memphis to become an admissions counselor. He then held administrative positions at Marietta College (Ohio), the University of Central Arkansas and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
He was most recently an associate vice president for six years at the University of North Alabama. That’s when he started to check out Creighton’s interdisciplinary leadership program.

“I wanted that practical, applicable degree that would still give me the opportunity to learn hands-on throughout the process,” Patterson said.
He said he benefited from the diverse perspectives of a cohort of students who spanned multiple professions. He developed strong relationships with faculty members — adjunct professor Kimberly Grassmeyer is still a mentor and a friend, Patterson said.
He looks back fondly on his family’s trip to Omaha at the end of the program, too. He rented a 15-passenger van and spent a few days touring the city and connecting with everyone in his Creighton community. Patterson said he made sure to visit Omaha this past summer as well.
“I’m grateful for the world-class faculty at Creighton and the members of my cohort,” Patterson said. “It was important to go through this journey with individuals that you can relate to and gain encouragement from – because it is challenging. But to have people behind me and alongside me made all the difference. I’m proud to be a Bluejay.”