2022 Ferlic Summer Research Fellows Poster Presentation

Nov 03, 2022

Since 2006, 229 Ferlic Fellowships have been awarded to students who study in STEM fields. On October 26, the 2022 Ferlic Fellows presented their summer research projects.

Featured Testimonial About Creighton University

The Ferlics’ vision has helped to make Creighton nationally renowned for undergraduate research.

Bridget Keegan, PhD Dean of the College of Arts and Science

Through their generous support, Randolph Ferlic, BS’58, MD’61, and Teresa Kolars Ferlic, help foster the talents and curiosities of Ferlic Summer Research Fellows. The Ferlic Undergraduate Science Research Program is one way the University’s Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) ensures every student who wants to take a greater hand in exploring an academic interest has a chance to pursue their passions.

“The Ferlics’ vision has helped to make Creighton nationally renowned for undergraduate research,” said Bridget Keegan, PhD, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at this year’s Ferlic Poster Presentation on October 26.

“But I know that their interest is less about improving our institutional reputation and more about the individual transformation that each and every one of these scholarships makes possible.”

Since 2006, 229 Ferlic Fellowships have been awarded to students who study in STEM fields. As undergraduate researchers work alongside dedicated faculty mentors, they gain the tools and confidence to leverage their abilities and skills to contribute to noble causes.

Ramya Rengarajan

“I am grateful to be a Ferlic Fellow at Creighton. It is amazing to be a part of a community that can make a difference. Like Dr. Ferlic, I want to help people live healthier lives through medicine,” said Fellow Ramya Rengarajan.

2022 Ferlic Summer Research Fellows Poster Presentation


2022 Ferlic Fellows
2022 Ferlic Fellows
2022 Ferlic Fellows
2022 Ferlic Fellows
2022 Ferlic Fellows
2022 Ferlic Fellows