Dr. Fletcher, professor of chemistry, will present a condensed version of his on-campus course on the science of beer, with an “extra credit” opportunity at a fun alumni reception after the presentation.
We hope you will join us for a night of learning and boozy Bluejay fun!
Here are the details:
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 11
Time: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Location: The Source Hotel - RiNO Ballroom
Address: 3330 Brighton Blvd., Denver, CO 80216
Fee: $20 for adults, $5 for kids
Parking: Hourly and overnight self-parking is available for hotel guests and those visiting the Market Hall. The on-site parking garage is on the east side of the hotel, with the entrance located on the south side of the garage. Rates for self-parking are as follows: First hour - free; Two hours - $8; Three hours - $16; Four+ hours - $24 daily maximum; Overnight - $24. A lost ticket will result in a charge of $25. Once you park, take the elevator to floor 1.
Food and drinks included in the event fee.
Register by Oct. 8, 2023