Naples Presidential Reception

Naples, FL

We hope you’ll join us for this great opportunity to connect with Creighton! 

The Rev. Daniel S. Hendrickson, SJ, PhD, President of Creighton University, invites you and a guest to attend a complimentary reception for alumni, parents and friends in the Naples area on Thursday, Feb. 13.

It will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow Bluejays and learn about exciting things happening at the University.  

Hosted by Betsy Ryan, friend of the University, and Patrick Zenner, BSBA'69, Creighton Trustee Emeritus

Here are the event details:

Date: Thursday, February. 13

Time: 6-8 p.m.

Where: Betsy Ryan Residence (Located in Mediterra)

Address: Address to be provided upon registration

Dress code: Business casual attire

Registration closes on Thursday, February. 6.


Register today.

Event Contact

Headshot of Payton Buckmaster
Payton Buckmaster Assistant Director of Advancement Events