Featured Testimonial About Creighton University

These scholarships are blessings in my life. They have provided me a gateway to realize my dreams. When people support me, they're supporting everyone I’ll be fighting for in the future.

César Magaña Linares, JD‘22, has already seen first-hand the difference he can make.
The Creighton law student was working at an Omaha firm where he met a client who faced a heartbreaking dilemma. The client was being abused, but he was living in America illegally and feared getting deported if he came forward.
Magaña Linares, who speaks Spanish (and German), was able to get his client the help he needed. He could leave a terrible situation behind him, achieve financial independence and continue to stay in the country on a work permit.
"A lot of folks who need help in immigration law are completely new to the culture, let alone the complicated legal system," Magaña Linares said. "They need somebody who can walk them through it and who is comfortable with their identity. It's really exciting to know that there's a role for me to fill in this profession, and I'm glad that Creighton law school has provided me a conduit to make it there."
Magaña Linares' family moved from El Salvador when he was 2. He's spent most of his life in Fremont and Omaha, where, given his family's mixed immigration status, he's become quite familiar with immigration law. He doesn't yet know if it's the field he wants to go into, but it's certainly a contender.
One of the reasons Magaña Linares chose Creighton is the School of Law’s Immigration and Refugee Clinic, originally conceived by professor David Weber, JD.
"Cesar has shown hard work, perseverance and obviously a lot of intelligence," Weber said. "He's really the epitome of what we hope America represents, this ability to grow to be the person and professional you want to be, regardless of your circumstances."
Magaña Linares wouldn't have been able to attend Creighton's law school without the help of scholarship aid.
"These scholarships are blessings in my life," he said. "They have provided me a gateway to realize my dreams. There's a huge need for Spanish-speaking attorneys across all areas of law. So, this gift is going to compound and have an impact on society. When people support me, they're supporting everyone I’ll be fighting for in the future."
With law school enrollment declining nationwide, scholarships have become an essential way for the Creighton School of Law to remain a competitive draw for excellent students across the country looking to invest in a Jesuit education of singular value.
Our generous donors help our students manage costs and alleviate debt load. Scholarships allow law students to be both as hands-on in their learning and as prepared for the world as possible, fostering a transformative sense of purpose, academic excellence and personal growth, and helping our students become the advocates we need in the world.